Springtime in The Bubble
By: Laura Soper
It looks like that chubby, old groundhog up in Pennsylvania was correct this year, we are in for an early spring. After enduring the cold and rain for months, it is reassuring to see buds on the trees and a few daffodils poking their delicate, yellow heads out of the ground. The first signs of springtime in the Bubble are here!
There is something extra special about spring in Peachtree City. With warmer weather, golf carts are out in full force without the need for the passengers to be wrapped in multiple blankets or the cart flanked with the winter covering to protect against the cold wind and rain. Families return to the playgrounds at our local parks in full force on sunny Saturdays, and kids of all ages sit outside at Bruster’s and TCBY to enjoy frozen treats on a warm day. Soccer and baseball season are in full swing, and families anticipate their upcoming Spring Break. After feeling cooped up all winter, it feels good to get back out and enjoy the multi-use paths that wind their way through woods and neighborhoods thus connecting us with nature and each other. Spring has a special way of bringing people together in Peachtree City.
Warmer weather draws people to water just like flies to honey. Peachtree City is blessed with natural water features that provide an abundance of recreational opportunities. Our fearless leader of the Life in the PTC Bubble Facebook page and one of the editor’s of this newsletter, Jamie Fukofuka states, "We may not have Lake Peachtree to look at right now, but we have two other beautiful lakes in our town." There is no need to fret over the state of Lake Peachtree because Lake McIntosh and Lake Kedron are excellent options for enjoying a picnic, fishing off the dock, or kayaking across the lake. There is ample parking at both lakes, and there are boat ramps at each location as well. Lake McIntosh offers a covered pavilion for a nominal rental fee, and both lakes have playgrounds next to the parking areas. A newly formed group, the Peachtree City Rowing Club, can often be seen rowing across either of the two lakes. They welcome new members and are working to promote the sport of rowing in Fayette County.
You can check out their Facebook page for more information:
Not only do the lakes, parks, and cart paths offer an abundance of recreational opportunities in our area, but the Peachtree City Parks and Recreation department also offer various options for leisure activities.
You can find their full spring catalog here:
Whether it is karate, art, yoga, dog training, dancing, Spanish lessons, or sports classes that you are interested in, our local rec department has a wide variety of classes and activities available this spring.
Flowers are blooming, trees are budding with tiny green leaves, and kids are no longer shivering at the bus stops wearing their hoodies with shorts. All of these are indicators that our slow dance with winter is done, and we can gleefully two-step and golf-cart our way towards the natural beauty and joys of springtime in the Bubble.